Spears v. Spears (2023) 97 Cal.App.5th 1294 The California Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Spears v. Spears created [...]
Don't overlook the mundane! Adam presented an interesting discussion of the obligation for the trustee to serve notice to heirs, [...]
Adam and his co-presenter Willow A. Mc Jilton discussed who actually is a Trustee, what it means to be [...]
Adam and his co-presenter Lawrence Lebowsky discussed the overlapping roles, duties, and obligations of lawyers (CAC) and representatives (GAL), [...]
Part of the 2022 CAC Training: The Fundamentals program. Adam and his co-presenter Lawrence Lebowsky discussed ethical issues when [...]
Recent changes to the Probate Code have encouraged the trial courts to give more weight to the preferences of [...]
Adam and his co-presenter Bryan Wittlin discussed the evolving role, in light of changes to California Probate Code §1471, [...]
Conservatees are required to receive notice of the proceedings, appear at the hearing, and be informed of their rights. [...]
Presenter, Author, Interesting New Developments in Judgment Enforcement Law for Trust and Estate Practitioners: "There's No Place Like Home(stead)!", South [...]
Co-Presenter, Co-Author, New Developments in Bankruptcy Law and Debtor-Creditors Relations Affecting Estate and Financial Planning, Estate Counselors Forum, Estate Planning, [...]
Attorneys risk disciplinary action, and the evidentiary privileges otherwise generally afforded to attorneys will not shelter communications, where the [...]
California has a sophisticated, well-developed body of case law and statutory authorities, supplemented by detailed procedural court rules, which [...]
Parties to a Family Law case are often at the extremes of litigant behavior. It is not a surprise [...]
Spendthrift trusts provide that a beneficiary's interest may not be alienated, assigned to creditors, or otherwise anticipated by the [...]
Presenter; Author, After Carmack v. Reynolds, What the Blech to do Now?, Estate Counselors Forum, 2019
Mr. Streltzer and his co-presenter, Mr. Robert C. Eroen, gave presentations in 2018 to various bar association groups concerning the [...]
Adam gave a nation-wide telephonic seminar hosted by National Business Institutes (NBI) on December 19, 2012. VIEW SEMINAR MATERIALS (IN [...]
Trusts and Estates Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association View PDF